She milked a cow and realized that milk was on her finger!
ME's first class field trip
On Monday, October 19, her daycare went to the puntin patch (pumpkin patch). However, every child had to have a parent go with them. Again, since I had just gotten out of the hospital, my parents took her. It's been raining so much here that all of the pumpkins were wet or dirty. Do you think that this bothered our OCD child?
ME and LuLu (Louis).
"Peep-eye!" Forget about the pumpkins and pictures...I've got a tree to climb! Reminds me of the tree me and my cousins used to climb at my grandparents house. :)
"These puntins are making me thirsty!"
She's so sweet that she had to get a treat for Dixie...a tennis ball!
ME fishing. Do you think she won anything?