Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our little Ben Ben is TWO! (Part 1)

To my sweet precious Benjamin,

I cannot believe that you are now a little man! And I can't believe that I don't have anymore babies in my house! I mean it feels just like yesterday that I headed to the hospital to deliver you. You have changed mine and Daddy's worlds in so many ways that you wouldn't even be able to imagine! You are seriously the cutest little boy that I've ever laid my eyes on (and I don't think I'm being biased). I love how you can be Momma's little boy and then in a split second, you can be a monster and scare people, or play with cars, trucks, and guitars. I love that spark of energy that you have almost 24/7.

Never in a million years did I think I would be so excited about buying clothes with cars, trucks, dinosaurs or guitars, but that's completely what you're into and that completely fills my heart! I can't even tell you how excited I've been getting about planning your birthday because I know how much you love trucks. Just to get to see those sweet dimples, watching your eyes grow wide, and hearing you say "TRUCK" in that gruff voice means the world to me!

I love that you inherited my love for animals. I think Dixie was one of your most favorite pillows in the house. Ha! No matter how hard she would try to hide from you, you wouldn't give up on trying to love on her. You do that with Uncle Bob-o and Aunt Kari's dogs, too. You also have a pretty awesome cat impersonation!

Your appetite is unbelievable! I guess you come by it honest though. I could NEVER get enough food in my belly when I was pregnant with you! And that still seems to true with you now. Your favorite food still is blueberries. You eat them like they're going out of style! I just wish you could teach your "Ish" to eat half as good as you.

Benjamin, you may be a handful with all of that energy of yours. You may have me one edge constantly since I'm always wondering how severe you bumped your head almost every week when you do bump your head. And I may have to constantly chase you and hardly ever get to sit down to have an adult conversation with my friends, but it is all so worth it! I know you won't always want your momma around and I won't always get to hold you or love on you they way I do right  now, so I will gladly soak up all of you that I can get right now. Thank you so much for brightening our lives every day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY!

As soon as he saw me grabbing the blocks, he went straight to the bear and put it in the corner. He sat there for a very long time saying "Cheese" while I tried to spell out "two".

What's a birthday picture without a bruise on the forehead? :)
Also, ME was standing behind me trying to get Benjamin's attention, so he's making faces at her in this pic.

It's not the cutest pic, but I love how is just patiently sitting there holding his hands.

ME had to have a turn, too!

1 comment:

LaLa said...

Benjamin I have to echo so much of what your mommy has said about you! Your infectous laugh and your sweet sweet spirit light up our lives in so many ways! Love you buddy - Happy 2nd Birthday!