Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Our happy family

Yep, that's what I told Drew on Valentine's Day, and that's what we told our family this morning. Believe it or not, ME is going to be a big sister on, or around, October 13 (my mom's birthday). With that being said, it's been so hard to keep this in for a month, but we wanted to wait until Drew's dad got here this weekend so we could tell everyone together.
How I "told" Drew:
First of all, if you ever want to keep a secret from Drew, don't let him near the trash! Here's why...
I thought that I might be pregnant on Valentine's Day, so I took a test and decided to wait until dinner to tell Drew. But Drew saw the test wrapper in the trash before I could tell him. He came out and asked me if I was pregnant while I was feeding ME her dinner. My response: I started to cry, then I said yes. I think the tears were from shock and excitement (and maybe hormones).
How we told our family:
I made a t-shirt for ME that said "Big Sister" in rhinestones. After breakfast this morning, I changed ME's diaper and put the shirt on her so she could walk into the Living Room for everyone to see. I guess she was super excited to tell because she ran to the Living Room to show off. Here are some pictures of her shirt. I had her dressed in tights and a denim skirt, but the darn skirt kept riding up and twisting around. Just know that she looked really cute, though!

OK, so now that our news is out in the open, I'm going to need advice from those of you that have kids less than 2 years apart. Although I'm looking forward to them growing up together so close in age, I'm a little nervous about having 2 little ones now.
Also, this exciting blessing is teaching me a lot about listening to God's plan...definitely not mine, or Drew's! I know that He has a reason for "speeding" things up in life when we're not ready to move along, or the opposite; but I feel very fortunate that God has given us this gift, rather it be several months earlier than planned, or months later. I'm just thankful for what He has given us no matter when we get it.


Verna said...

What a blessing. I'm so thrilled!.

LaLa said...

I can't imagine a better bday gift! ME will be the best "big sister"!

Tabitha and Kelly said...

How wonderful!! Congrats!!

Jennifer Floyd said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is very exciting news!!!

Molly said...

Congratulations Erin, Drew,and ME! They'll have so much fun growing up together so close in age.

Anna Carol and Jarrod said...

WE are so excited for you guys (even though I found out on facebook, I still luv ya) ME is going to be a great big sis. Oh and thanks now Jarrod says we have to keep up :)