Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ME's 15-month checkup

I realize that this post isn't very exciting, but this blog is also a scrapbook for our family. So I enter these updates mainly for myself.

I've completely enjoyed my Spring Break this week! I've loved being able to spend as much time as I want with ME!!! I wish that could happen everyday! It's a lot easier, too, since I know her schedule now that she's older. Having a routine this week has helped me get things on my to-do-list complete. We probably haven't done anything exciting in most people's eyes, but I think we have (i.e. run around the house and scream, dance a whole bunch, practice finding the baby in Mommy's tummy, and stroll through of my favorite things to do with her curious mind).
ME was such a brave girl today. She got her 15-month shots and checkup today. Luckily, she only cried for a few seconds when the nurse stuck her. Ugh, it breaks my heart to watch that! But I don't feel to bad about it since I got three cavities filled yesterday morning (translate that to 3 shots in the mouth and a crooked smile for a few hours)!

15-month stats:
Weight: 24.4 lbs (71%)
Length: 31" (66%)
Head: 18" (44%) *I think I need to remeasure b/c I just noticed that this measurement is smaller than her 12-month checkup. Can a head really shrink? But the good news, though, is that her head isn't soooooo big!
Other new talent that I forgot to add: She can click her tongue and sway her head whenever you say "clock" or any word that ends with the /k/ sound. Pretty cute!
Baby girl, I love you so much! Thank you for such a fun week!

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