- Her vocabulary is blowing me away! It's like all of a sudden, a light bulb went off and she's figured out how to use most of her words correctly in big, long sentences. I love that we can have full convos now! Especially now that she's starting to use her imagination and make-believe. It's just fun to see her stop and really think about using the correct words. However, she still replaces the /t/ sound for the /k/ sound ("tootie" for "cookie", and /fw/ for /s/ ("fwim" for "swim"). I'm not worried about that yet because it's just too cute right now.
- She loves to paint and "tolor"! And she can name tons of colors! I guess I'm impressed with this because according to the milestone chart on http://www.babycenter.com/, she should only be able to name about one color and a few adjectives by now. If you don't know what color you're wearing in the morning, feel free to ask ME! Just FYI, though, white went from her saying "lice" to now "light".
First day of summer break=paint!
- I did "boot camp" potty training June 9-11 with ME by not leaving the house and using stickers, money, phone calls, and candy for rewards and then lots of cheering and carpet cleaner. Let's just say, I think I got more stickers than she did during those three days. So I was ready to give in and put her back in pull ups when we went in public, but as soon as I decided that, I think she telepathically (sp?) realized my thoughts. She's had very few accidents since then! The cutest thing was when she told me that she had to get me stickers for my "tee-tee" and she said "I'm so proud of you, Mommy!"
- She's such a great big sis! She loves to hold Benjamin and try to make him walk or rock him. She's a great help in trying to keep him out of the dog food or staying out of things that he doesn't need to get in. And she's great (most of the time) with sharing toys with him. I've had some wonderful Kodak moments to take of them recently with her huggin' and lovin' on him while looking out the window; but, of course, I loose the moment by the time I get my camera ready. Ugh!
This is her "tee-tee paper" that she gets to put stickers on after every success. I wanted it to be organized and dated, but she disagreed. I love it!
She's showing Benjamin how to play in the water.
This is ME stopping in the middle of potty-training to check on her "brudder" who just woke up and was crying.
- She still loves Dora! My poor students had to hear me reference Dora way too many times in class this year. But I'm OK with her watching Dora, because she's expanded her imagination because of it and learned a lot of Spanish! I just wish she'd learn how to count in English first!
- She's fearless! This really worries Drew because he's scared of heights! But jumping off from tall things and swimming in the water don't bother her one bit!
This brings me back to my lifeguard and teaching swim lessons days. Here she is trying to "fwim and tick".
I'm just thankful Drew was very close to catch her!
- She loves to help me with whatever I'm doing! She likes to cook and help me clean. Yes, she's still grossed out by dirt, too!
She got to help me clean her water table before the summer started. Who knew you could look so cool while cleaning?
ME loves to "sweep sweep". She thought Ben needed to help me out, too. This isn't child labor is it?
Here she is helping me stretch the dough for Molly's favorite dessert of mine before my girl's getaway a few weeks ago. Don't you love our matching aprons that my mom made me for Mother's Day?
As you can see, Mary Elizabeth keeps us entertained daily. She, along with Benjamin, has completely changed our lives in a matter of just two and half years. I wouldn't trade a bit of it for the world either!
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