Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mommies don't have all of the answers

At least this one doesn't. As my belly is growing each day and only about 13 weeks left, my head is starting to fill with questions. Don't get me wrong, I am completely thrilled about having the best of both worlds with two kiddos, but I'm starting to worry about some things. So please give me opinions or suggestions if you have any to give!

  • Do I carry 2 diaper bags for both kids? Or just one really large one that contains 2 sizes of diapers, change of clothes and food for each child?
  • Where are we going to put all of our "stuff" in the house? Do I move Drew to the garage (just kidding), so we can use his closet in ME's big girl room?
  • How will I safely get my kids in and out of the parking lot? For some reason, this has been my biggest fear so far. I guess it's because ME likes to try to dart off from me sometimes while trying to get into the car.
  • Do I get a double stroller? If so, what kind?
  • ME is showing A LOT of interest in the potty. So I bought a little potty for her to sit on and try out. I'm not pushing it, because quite frankly I'm nervous about it, but she's asking me to go "tee-tee" after she sees me go, or sometimes if she just walks by the potty. So my question is, how do I actually potty-train her? I know a few of you have emailed me warning me not to start too soon, which I truly appreciate, but how can you deny her when she's having so much fun sitting on the potty (clothed or not)? So I thought I'd just try it out. So far, she just sits on the potty and says with a big fat smile "tee-tee-tee-tee", then claps (again clothed or not). Any tips on this whole process are greatly welcomed!
  • Will I be able to get both kids on the same nap/sleep schedule?
  • ???????????? This bullet is for everything else running in my head.


Kerri said...

It will ALL be ok! It will be hard and you will have to figure out what's best for YOU! I'm here anytime you need me, and remember this too shall pass!
1)Diaper Bag- I had a large one that I carried for everyday use that had 2 sets of diapers, baby's clothes, and snacks. I also had/have a emergancy kit in my car that has diapers, clothes, snacks, toys. And on sundays or when they would be seperate I had 2 bags.
2)You will NEVER have enough room. You just have to have handy what you need then, box the other up and store it in the garage or attic.
3)The parking lot still gives me trouble!!! I always put C in first, easy when in carseat. Then W. I still park right by the cart return, if I can, so thats easy.
4)YES, YES, YES!!! Test mine out if you want. But it will save you loves of headache! Don't get rid of the single, there will times whem you don't what/won't need the double.
5)Potty Training is FUN!!!! Just remember it's ALL up to THEM! Do what they want when they want, don't push!
6)Yes, it will take a while, but you will. Bed time we split up. S takes C and I get W.

Just remember to take a breath and do what is best for YOU and the BABIES!

The Farrells said...

hey girl! nice to see ya this week-end! to answer some of your questions, i carry 2 diaper bags so i can keep their stuff organized. i do have a double stroller..its a maclaren side by side. still working on getting them in and out of the car on my really good way! and hate to tell ya this..but they NEVER nap at the same time!!

Molly said...

Since my kiddos are so spread out I don't have a lot of advice on how to all those things with two little ones. I will say that Sydney basically potty trained herself about 18 months. She was the same way and wanted to do whatever I did. I'd let her use it whenever she wants but continue not to push it until she starts doing it more often.

Unknown said...

I still haven't figured this stuff out, but I will try to help! I carry one HUGE bag, unless we are going to church or school where they will be separated and then I take two small backpacks. The parking lot worry is one of mine too. I end up screaming at Lila everytime she gets more than two inches away from me, but so far, no major scares. I always get Luke settled in the stroller before I get her out (Not sure what I will do when they are both able to run away from me)! Definitely get a double stroller... life saver for ball games, walks, Riverfest, etc! But I would wait until he is older and you can get the double umbrella stroller... much easier to maneuver. No idea on the potty training. Lila is 6 months older than ME and we haven't started yet! And finally, every once in awhile, they nap at the same time... but not very often! I am hoping today is one of those days! Most importantly, it is so much fun to have two close in age that these worries will quickly fade from your mind! Good luck!

Sarah said...

I totally agree with Kerri....find what works best. Don't worry about planning it all out in your head, the "momma" in you will kick in and it will just happen. I just carry one bag now that Lyla doesn't need anything. I keep a spare change of clothes in the bottom of Ellis's bag just in case. Before, I carried the big one for Ellis and Lyla had a much smaller one that matched which she dubbed her "purse".

Our house looks like a circus. At any given time, you'll see anything from a half-naked cabbage patch doll to a teething ring in the middle of my living room. I don't pay attention to the amount of stuff, but rather fishing Lyla out of the exersaucer.

I park near the cart returns, too. I always put Ellis in first (easier) and then Lyla. Again, find what works for you. It sounds like ME might need to go in first.

I love my Quattro Duo stroller. It holds the carseat in the back for Ellis and LA sits up front. It folds down super small and I can lift it up in the SUV no problem. (You'll soon learn that most double strollers that aren't the umbrella kind weigh 876 pounds.)

I wouldn't put the potty sounds like she enjoys "playing" on it. Personally, I wouldn't attach any expectations to it until after the new baby gets here. A lot of children will regress with a new baby, but for some, it's the perfect motivation. I didn't push Lyla, and she was completely trained one month after Ellis got here at 26-27 months.

I've JUST NOW gotten to where the girls nap at the same time. Ellis Kate just turned 5 months. It does take time, so don't expect it to happen overnight.

Take a deep'll do great. It's amazing at what us mommies can do. :)

LaLa said...

Erbear - sounds like you got some good advice from some experienced mommies! I know it all seems a little overwhelming right now but I have complete confidence in you and know you will do great - not saying that it won't be hectic at times but together we will get you through all this! What fun days we have ahead of us!