Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nine, ten, she's got a big, fat...

...GRIN! And it lights up all of our lives! Mary Elizabeth is the true meaning of "laughter is the best medicine". Two weeks ago, Drew and I both got hit with that nasty stomach-bug. My turn just so happened to be on mine and Drew's 4-year anniversary, too. I was dreading picking ME up from daycare that day because I knew I wouldn't have the energy to play with her. But as soon as I saw her, she was giggling (actually pointing and giggling at her daycare worker) and that made my fever go down tremendously.

In honor of ME's 10-month-day, I thought I'd create a "top 10" list about her. The list below are a few of the new things that she can either do or is "in to".

ME is 10-months-old and she:
  1. Stands up for 3 seconds by herself
  2. Sleeps through the night again
  3. Loves to bang on any thing as a drum
  4. Has rhythm (yes, she loves to dance!)
  5. Likes to eat spaghetti or lasagna (if dipped in fruit yogurt). Doesn't it sound yummo?
  6. Laughs at anything that moves quickly
  7. Plays ball with Dixie
  8. Turns the lights off and on
  9. Tries to push/walk around the house
  10. Sits up in her new big-girl car seat (still backwards, though)
  11. Loves her daycare
  12. Squeals/talks whenever she wants attention, which is almost every minute of the day (OK, I know I said 10, but I thought of more. )


LaLa said...

10 months! My how the time flies when you are having a good time! ME you are a true "Diva" and the light of our lives!

Becca said...

ME is so adorable!!! Hope you guys are doing well!