Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Farm living is the life for us

So my plan for today was to take Benjamin to school, go grocery shopping, then take ME to the pool to work on swimming. I told ME to get dressed in her "bathin' soup" before we took Ben Ben to school, which she did. After we dropped him off, she asked why she was wearing her "bathin' soup". So I told her that she and I were going swimming after we went grocery shopping. A few minutes passed by and she asked who we were going swimming with. After I told her that it was just she and I, a few more minutes passed by. Then she informed me that she didn't want to go swimming with just me. She needed someone else to come watch her swim and that the lifeguards can't do it because they were working. So instead of going swimming, she chose to keep her "swimsoup" on all day and just hang out.

Later we had to swing by LaLa's office for a moment, where she decided that she needed to stay and help La work (still in her swimsoup). LaLa said that was fine and that she would take ME, Benjamin, and McKenzie to her co-worker's farm to play with the animals

After ME got home, she informed me that she's allergic. To what you ask? To turtles, of course, because she doesn't like them!

I don't think McKenzie isn't allergic to them!

A natural-born cowboy!

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