I can't believe that ME is old enough to be going to the dentist now! Drew and ME practiced opening their mouths and sticking out their tounges all last weekend to get her pumped up for the dentist. When I took her on Tuesday, she was so excited about the idea of going (also maybe because I have been so excited about it). Sadly, we had to wait for an hour, but she had fun playing with everything in the waiting room, watching Annie, and watching cars drive by. When the hygenist in pink scrubs came to get us, ME was so excited and pulled me up and said, "Let's go, Mommy. Follow pink." Then we sat down in the chair and everything was good because the hygenist said she was going to get her a Dora toothbrush. But then this strange man (the dentist) came to look inside of her mouth and she did not like that! She tried so hard to keep her mouth shut. But we got a good report and some good prizes to take home. I just hope that she doesn't grow up to fear the dentist like her Dandy did as a kid.

Can we go back to the waiting room please?
OK, it wasn't that bad! I got a Dora toothbrush, a Pooh sticker, and a "Certificate of Bravery".