I went to the doctor today only to find out that I still have not dilated! However, I did find out these things: I lost one pound somehow, my blood pressure has gone down (yeah - considering my work environment!), and the baby's heartbeat is still right on track. When my
Dr. got ready to measure my belly, he looked at my ribcage and gave me a look of amazement. Then he asked me how I was still holding on to this baby. Little Bit is still sitting very high in my ribcage, which explains why I'm always pushing on my ribs hoping that they won't break.
He measured the baby to be 40 weeks, which I won't even be 39 weeks until tomorrow. Then he said that this baby is acting like it doesn't want to come until January since I haven't dilated yet. So with all that said, I'm going on Monday to get an ultrasound and then he'll decide if he wants to induce or let me just wait out the course.
Whatever decision is made, I am still praying that I won't have this baby until the 19
th, or anytime after that during my Christmas break. Although, I know that some people (i.e. family members) are pushing for more specific dates. I'll do my best to
accommodate every one's schedule, but I'm going to Little Bit, my doctor, and God all make those decisions together. :)